Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I am not doing so well with it right now.. Everyone around me makes it hard to be nice everyone is so filled with hate is there anyone who doesn't dislike the world? :(
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
pay it forward 12
I started a conversation with a lonely target cop, you could tell people just walked past him and ignored him all night, I said hello I hope you have a great day, he looked surprised and then a smile wiped across his face. This world can really hurt your heart, but at the same time it can warm your heart right back up. Its much needed on a cold day like today.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Pay it forward 12
I am volunteering for habitat for humanity. I was watching extreme make over tonight and I started crying what they do for these people is amazing giving them a functioning home with less stress just is so amazing. I want to make that kind of difference in the world, in watching this show I starting feeling like I wasn't doing enough. This isn't me bragging but I'm just saying I get a lot in my life, I've never gone starving for days because lack of money or food, I've never lived on the streets, in fact I can honestly say I am pretty spoiled, and for me to not give back more just is ridiculous. Life isn't about all the things and possession you can own, it's not about what nice car you drive, it's not about status, it's about being the best person you can possibly be. Giving back just as much as you receive. Just realize how fortunate you are, the fact that you are able to be online on a computer that is probably yours, makes you about 10 times more rich then half of the world if not 3/4 of the world. Just realize how fortunate you are, and trying and think to yourself that there are people out there who really need you...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
pay it forward 11
I fight meanness with kindness every day. Every time I come into contact with someone sour I try my hardest to try and realize that they may have had a bad day or something bad could have happened, that person is someone's brother, sister, father, mother, daughter or son, would you like it if someone else was mean to a member of your family? I just want people to try and be more open minded, maybe that person with the bad attitude started out with a good one but other people had worn that person down, all they need is reassurance that people aren't always mean and rude! So maybe you could be that one nice person who brightens their day? Love a world that constantly loves you back, in different ways.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
pay it forward 10
I haven't written in days mostly because I've been so entirely busy, I had to take George to the airport on Thursday which I have a funny story about, but anyways; I've been busy ever since! So when I was taking George to the airport, there was a sudden jam I think there was an accident a couple miles ahead but I couldn't see it because of all the traffic, anyways; I had to get over 2 lanes to get off the exit and I was talking about this elderly couple I saw in this semi in the lane next to us, I was talking about how cute they looked and how when I got old I'd want to travel with my partner, and you never expect old people to be mean, at least my assumption was that most old people are so sweet and nice. But to my mistake, I had tried to get over in front of them being very nice about it and remember, they're driving a large semi, the man sped up almost hitting me just so he could prove his point just so he could be difficult. I'm not actually sure why he wouldn't let me in but I had tried a couple times and he made it clear to me if I tried it again my car would see his fender to my bumper... Anyways, I eventually made it over, letting people in front of my trying to be the kind citizen making up for what that old man had done. Made it to the airport and had to drop him off :( still annoyed, I brought my camera to do this photography project because I had to do a project for photography to convey a message. After I said goodbye to George I sat outside waiting for the chance to "convey a message" I found this older couple saying goodbye to each other and I swear I started to cry, they hugged and said their goodbyes but he stood there and watched her walk in there and I swear he stood there and time stood still for him as his wife walked away he looked so sad. So I took pictures of her and him, I'll try to post them if I can. Anyways, I know I'm supposed to post something I did that is nice, but I decided to post something that I saw that was nice... It made me so happy to see someone still caring for someone else.. :)
P.S. music is by far the best mood 'stabilizer' the world has ever made.
P.S. music is by far the best mood 'stabilizer' the world has ever made.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Pay it Forward 09
Today, I signed up for working at the soup kitchen on April 16th, with my Nephews and my mom. I wanted to show my nephews what it's like to not have food everyday, I want them to be able to talk to people who have experienced the world in all aspects. The majority of homeless people know what it's like to have a good life and everything they needed but then getting it all taken from them, they've seen people from all aspects, they've seen the way people treat them when they look "respectable" and they know what it's like to be treated by most of America looking "homeless." I just wanted my nephews to see what its like to not be as fortunate as them. I also am organizing a bake sale in Birmingham for Haiti, I stole the idea from the Denver, Bake for Haiti. I hadn't seen anything like that here in Birmingham so I figured I'd organize something like that, this is after all the south. We southerners love our comfort food! If its for a good cause even better right...? Anyways, these I feel are my good deeds for the day. I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Pay it Forward 08
Yesterday, I went to barnes and noble and I was reading those 'Post Secret' books, where you write a secret on a post card and send it to them. When I was reading them I got so sad, all those burdens people carry with them constantly, its not enough that had to live through it the first time, now they have to live with it every single day. I wish we weren't so afraid of peoples reaction to tell our secrets. Secrets can really put you in your own kind of jail. If you have a secret that burns inside of you please tell someone, even if its someone you don't know, the fact of saying it out loud to more than just yourself is very relieving. I did this yesterday, I told my boyfriend a secret no one knows..
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Pay it forward 07
Today, I've declared forgiveness day. There's Thanksgiving, there's Christmas, there's a holiday for showing someone you love them, even though you should do this everyday. But there is no holiday no one day to show people or to just learn to forgive someone (although this should be an everyday occurrence, but why not make it a holiday, make it a point to relieve that emotional stress and relieve the hate you have.) So today I am forgiving anyone and everyone who has ever hurt me, I want everyone to learn to forgive, not only for the person you're forgiving but mainly for yourself, do something good for yourself. By holding onto anger or past frustrations or just holding onto something because you're too stubborn to forgive or you think you're teaching them a lesson by not forgiving them... Honestly you're not teaching anyone a lesson, you're not doing anything to benefit anyone. Holding onto something and not forgiving can emotional "constipate" your life. (Nice word usage right?) I want anyone who is reading this, to forgive anyone who has ever caused you pain, forgive anyone who you may be upset with, forgive anyone who you may have held on grudge for. There is no point to hold onto grudges, it pollutes your body with negativity and makes it damn near impossible to let anyone in. How can you let someone new and wonderful into a life that is grudge-ridden, a life that is so full of hate you can't fit anyone or anything positive in. I guess I'm just saying, my good thing for today, is making everyone realize the grudges they hold and the people they are still mad at or all the people you are "teaching lessons" to. I want you to realize that life is about forgiveness and loving all. So please let yourself forgive. I have.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Volunteering dates
Here are some dates if anyone would like to come with me to volunteer at a soup kitchen,
Sunday, February 14
Monday, February 15
Sunday, March 8
Thank you!
Pay it forward 06
This is my 6th blog, once again, I am finding it very hard. People make it SOOO hard to be nice to them they really do. As much as I want to be nice to someone who's being mean to me just to be like "you can't bring me down with your negativity" it is hard. Every day I am finding it is taking more effort to go out and find someone to be kind to, just to show one kind act. Starting tomorrow, I feel like I should just shove happiness down their throat, haha I won't go as far as that, but I'd like to do something different. Maybe I am not trying hard enough? I was talking to my boyfriend about karma the other day and how I think it is definitely an everyday occurrence. I see karma taking action everyday whether it be good or bad. Anyways I was talking to george the other day about all the things I've done in my life, there are things in my life that I am not proud of doing and I don't regret them because you can't live life filled with regret, all you can do is try and make up for the things you've done and make your life better. So as I'm realizing what a terror I was as a child, (and adolescent) I have a lot to make up for. I have a lot of nice things to do before I feel like my life has evened out and my karma is at balance. I say I have about 200 more nice things to do until my karma can be almost at a good balanced point. Here is 6/200 for the past 2 days, I have become more aware of the people around me, making sure I don't cut anyone off, making sure I don't cut in front of anyone and making sure I hold doors open and just becoming all around aware of the people around me and their space and trying to be as courteous as possible. So I don't know if you can count that as an entire nice thing or a series of little nice things. I just wanted to become more in tune with the people around me, what small things I can do that make a small difference in someones life. Starting conversations with strangers in lines, or smiling at people who look sad, my favorite was the other day we went to the movies, there was this little girl standing in line with her parents, she kept staring at me and all I would do is smile at her and I kept trying to get a smile out of her and usually with little kids I can make them smile really easily or act bashful or something but she looked so upset so I tried to get her to smile, she finally did but then her parents got weirded out and left the movies. All I was trying to do was make a sad girl smile just by smiling. But now adays that's creepy. :( Still trying! Still going with this pay it forward blog. Still trying to make a difference in hopes to succeed. :) All you can do is try your hardest, hope for the best and shoot for the stars.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Pay it Forward 05
So today I've done a lot to make sure my mom had a great birthday, I woke up early to make her a delicious breakfast, cleaned the house, made her, her favorite cake and also went and got her pizza for her dinner. I went to the video store to rent some movies for her and this guy bumped into a display on accident and DVDS fell onto the floor, I saw at least 6 people stand there and stare at him while he was picking up the movies I swear I was overcome with anger the fact that this society is so rude they can't even help someone two feet in front of them, I tried to get to him to help him pick them up but I didn't get to him fast enough. I've been dissapointed at least 3 times today by humanity, I'm still optimistilc because I believe deep down everyone has a good soul they just need help bring it out, and most times, people just need that one optimistic person in their life to help them to not be so negative. They need someone to bring them to a new realization that people aren't all bad, life isn't all bad, life is a beautiful thing and I just want people to realize this. I'm a little upset though with the people who are closest to me, they're so very dissapointing mainly because it saddens me so much to see such selfishness, such ignorance in people who are closest to me. I feel like they're in my life for a reason but I also feel like they're bringing my spirit down and I don't want that. The world is an amazing place! So look at it that way!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Pay it forward 04 (should be 06)
I am embarrassed to say over the last 2 days I have literally tried my hardest to do kind things, literally looking for any little thing to do and I've done a lot but people make it so hard to be kind when right off the bat they are just so cruel. I did do 2 things that I forgot to blog about, one would be, there is a kid in my class who is always sitting by himself and kinda keeps to himself just looks really lonely and people make fun of him cause he has a few mentally challenged quirks about him, but I didn't care, I saw it as someone who needed a friend, so I befriended him. Also when I went to the grocery store I was putting my cart away and saw a lady in the parking lot coming in and I brought her my cart so she didn't have to wait for one. She was pretty nice about it. But anyways, I am sorry to say this pay it forward thing at least in this day and age is a lot harder than it seems, people deserve to be kind to one another and to the species of this world but everyone is so filled with hate. If you look at someone they get mad even if it was on accident.
I'm still going to try my hardest to be kind and 'pay it forward' something like this won't stop me but I just wanted to say people need to learn to open their hearts and stop being so hate filled and judgmental. Please start caring about one another before we're just all at war with each other. If you read my blog, please comment back and tell me something nice you did today. Even if its just saying hi to someone you don't know.
I'm still going to try my hardest to be kind and 'pay it forward' something like this won't stop me but I just wanted to say people need to learn to open their hearts and stop being so hate filled and judgmental. Please start caring about one another before we're just all at war with each other. If you read my blog, please comment back and tell me something nice you did today. Even if its just saying hi to someone you don't know.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Pay it Forward 03
Today is day 3 of pay it forward, I only left the house once so it was a little hard to find something good to do, I did 2 1/2 things and I'm on the fence about them, should they be considered good? Or should I just say those are things people should just do anyways and say I was unable to do good today? Your decision to tell me! I went to a coffee shop, noticed some dirty dishes on a table so I brought them up to the counter, which I thought would make their job a little easier, I then had a debate with my boyfriend on whether or not that justifies as good? Then he and I went to target, the lady in front of us had forgotten a bag (or so I had thought) I didn't want her to forget something she had paid for so I handed her the bag and said nicely "oh ma'am I believe this is yours" which I thought was a nice citizen thing to do but then she said "I know" and took the bag from me in kind of a sour way. After that when the cashier was ringing us up, George noticed something that he forgot to ring up so I told him the thing in the bag wasn't paid for, George noticed it but I informed the cashier so that's why I counted it as a possible half. So as you can see I am a bit on the fence about this, 'followers' what do you think? Thank you!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Pay it Forward 02

Today is day 2 of Pay it Forward. My sister, new friends, and myself have been protesting the Ringling Bros. Circus since Wednesday, hopefully making a difference in the world. So today my way of giving back to the world with 'paying if forward' is by protesting the circus and the way they treat their animals. It's a disgrace how they treat their animals, elephants and tigers should not be paraded around, made to do tricks and treated like their are our property. We humans are not better than animals, if anything these animals are better then us. They don't make us do things for them out of fear, they don't make us do tricks for them and they don't make us humiliate ourselves for their enjoyment. They also don't abuse people or any beings for that matter just for their enjoyment. They aren't sick and sadistic like most of man kind. So today my gift to the world (if you can call it that) is fighting for animals, fighting for things that don't have a voice.
Thank you
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Pay it forward 01
This is a blog I am making about paying it forward. I see so many people in this generation who are mindless, self centered, ignorant, rude, terrible people. It makes me so sick and it makes me not want to be apart of this world. I want to start changing the world with kindness, fighting people with kindness, changing peoples mind with kindness. Whether it be for animals or people. Either way we all need to show each other we care. I feel that by doing one kind act each day, it will slowly start to change the world. I am hoping for a chain reaction of kindness, you see someone doing something nice, it makes YOU want to do something nice. I just hope it changes peoples mind. Anyways, I ended today with giving a homeless woman a giftcard for the starbucks she was in so she could buy herself a warm drink on a cold night. Had I been living in a different place, my own place, I would have brought her home for a shower and a warm bed. Either way, this is the start of my blog. Each day I will post a blog telling something I did that day that I thought helped benefit the world.
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