Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pay it Forward 02

Today is day 2 of Pay it Forward. My sister, new friends, and myself have been protesting the Ringling Bros. Circus since Wednesday, hopefully making a difference in the world. So today my way of giving back to the world with 'paying if forward' is by protesting the circus and the way they treat their animals. It's a disgrace how they treat their animals, elephants and tigers should not be paraded around, made to do tricks and treated like their are our property. We humans are not better than animals, if anything these animals are better then us. They don't make us do things for them out of fear, they don't make us do tricks for them and they don't make us humiliate ourselves for their enjoyment. They also don't abuse people or any beings for that matter just for their enjoyment. They aren't sick and sadistic like most of man kind. So today my gift to the world (if you can call it that) is fighting for animals, fighting for things that don't have a voice.

Thank you

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Pay it forward 01

This is a blog I am making about paying it forward. I see so many people in this generation who are mindless, self centered, ignorant, rude, terrible people. It makes me so sick and it makes me not want to be apart of this world. I want to start changing the world with kindness, fighting people with kindness, changing peoples mind with kindness. Whether it be for animals or people. Either way we all need to show each other we care. I feel that by doing one kind act each day, it will slowly start to change the world. I am hoping for a chain reaction of kindness, you see someone doing something nice, it makes YOU want to do something nice. I just hope it changes peoples mind. Anyways, I ended today with giving a homeless woman a giftcard for the starbucks she was in so she could buy herself a warm drink on a cold night. Had I been living in a different place, my own place, I would have brought her home for a shower and a warm bed. Either way, this is the start of my blog. Each day I will post a blog telling something I did that day that I thought helped benefit the world.